This page returned just in time, because one of my favorite Italian bands – IENA – just returned as well! Two years after their last release, the split 7” with Scalpo, IENA is now back with a glorious new 12” for Timebomb Records and Hellnation titled “Fino Alla Morte”, undoubtedly their best work to date!

Translating to “Until Death”, the 12” features four new bangers that – as always – taste like more! With all the action on side A, there the flip-side is covered with an awesome looking silkscreen print of the front cover, “Fino Alla Morte” is over before you know it but can easily be listened to five or six times in a row, because this band never gets old!

With lots of energy “Gogna”, “Nessuna Pietà”, title-track “Fino Alla Morte” and “Ultima Notte” burst out of your speakers. Delivering one catchy, powerful tune after another, IENA delivers earwurm after earwurm and despite that I don’t understand a single word being sung, I am singing along loud and proud, though half the words coming out of my mouth probably aren’t Italian at all! But who cares? This band, but especially the songs “Gogna” and “Ultima Notte”, sounds anthemic and I want in on the action!

And so should you! So if you haven’t ordered this slab of wax – be one of the 300 to own a copy! If you never heard of IENA before – check out their Bandcamp! Because this band and now especially this 12” are fairly brilliant! Totally fucking grandioso!

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